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18th Intervention,Intellectual Property and Income

For dissemination plan, I am thinking of making a website as online platform for compost. I wlso wrote about it in the previous week, though here once again I will write a plan. Also with a platform, I will try to make some open source data which I can share on platform, to let people download. Here below is what I will develop for final.

Platform- I want to try to make a compost platform kind of looking like the Precious Plastic platform. There are opensource shared,network located in the map worldwide, communities that you can contact, and some products made by citizen creators sold, and so on. I want to make my compost platform look like this with having these features. Though it is almost impossible for me to build up all these until the final, so I wil only use some wix template to try to make a mockup for this. Open source data- I am currently developing this for making parametric compost bin, with grasshopper. I am tryin to have parameters on the size, the wall thickness, number of joints, tolerance, and layout in the size of the material. I also try on using Human UI to make an interface for this parameters to show in a window.

So these are how I will try to create a dissemination for developing my project. For the future possibility, I keep developing this online platform to make a network all over the world where people can start engaging in the local community, household compost. And not only for the sake of making compost, I hope this will lead out to a huge movement on the problem of dealing with household waste. Important tip to make this happen will be keep working on and open it for people by reaching out to, firstly local people around my neighborhood, then probably it will expand as bit by bit.

So the final intervention is open, hopefully I can show this at the final intervention which it will take place at community garden for an event. This event will be an open event for people to celebrate the community compost that we co-designed with locals.

Last update: June 23, 2022