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Future Talks

Audrey Desjardines - Autobiographical Design - Approaching failure Laura Forlano - Auto-ethnography Sergio Urueña - Responsive Innovation Saúl Baeza - Radical experimentation in design research

Through these future talks sessions by several professionals, I have come to rethink what makes me in the way of identifying and visioning my professional future while also thinking about myself.

Especially when I think about my position in the design world, I think my uniqueness or identity is that I am devoted in Eastern way of thinking, interested in small things. I think to me that is most displayed in me not desire to make/design things systematically. I don’t desire to make a change or a solution in society by design. I don’t think I am analyzing things on a larger scale. But I am engaging things on a smaller scale. I want to be responsible for those things surrounding me but not for a system that is supported by legit capitalism and some authorities. This reflects me and my future vision as a designer, that I want to engage in communities near me- local and connections.

These speakers in this session, I felt like they all are really honest and real. They are fighting and facing their everyday thoughts and life that pops out some problems that they want to analyze even on a larger scale.

Last update: June 23, 2022